Tandem Bungee in Rishikesh : Test your love now at a height of 111 meters.
Tandem Bungee in Rishikesh
If you want to add a little adrenaline to your relationship alongside a candlelight dinner , we can recommend a tandem bungee in rishikesh . Your hearts will pound together before you decide to plunge into the depths as a couple.Anyone aged 14 or over is welcome to enjoy this fun together. The couple should not weigh more than 170kg together. So you might want to leave a bag or two of chips in the cupboard before highest bungee jumping. It goes without saying that you should be healthy. Some people find it helpful if they have already done a tandem bungee jump. But it's hard to back out if the other person wants to jump.
Do you want to get your adrenaline pumping?
Do you want to get your adrenaline pumping? We have something for you. With a tandem bungee in rishikesh, you can experience a euphoria that is unparalleled. Your heart and pulse are in an exceptional state. You look down, into the depths, and your adrenaline rises immeasurably.For some top athletes, this extreme sport is the ultimate thrill. Just dare to do it and whizz down into the depths in free fall. However, you do need to be in good physical shape.
Experience the ultimate thrill with a tandem jump in rishikesh.
Experience the ultimate thrill with a tandem jump in rishikesh. Test your own limits with a tandem bungee jump. The beautiful landscape and the magnificent backdrops are unique and can hardly be found anywhere else.Tandem bungee in rishikesh or free falling from the bridge provides the most thrilling experience than other adventure activity to the adventure enthusiasts. Tandem bungee in rishikesh is fun and an exhilarating adventure experience for the visitors. It is the most adventurous activity of falling from a height and bunging up and down being attached to an elastic cord. In this adventure activity, one end of the thick elastic cord is tied to the jumper’s body and the other end of the cord is tied to a stationary object at the jumping point. It is the extreme sport and done correctly and under professional guidance.
Tandem Bungee Jumping in Rishikesh has become popular over last few years since its establishment in Gnga River. The tandem bungee jumping in the wild Ganga River which is over 111m is the first tandem bungee jumping site of India. It is situated in the northern part of India close to the Himalayan mountain range. It is designed by New Zealand’s leading bungee consultants and constructed and operated by very experienced Kiwis.
In strong winds or thunderstorms, jumps are not carried out for safety reasons - they are postponed. Clothing should also be appropriate. Comfortable clothing and shoes are an advantage here.
Activity Details
World’s First Tandem Bungy (111m)
No Of Persons Allowed
2 Person
Age Limit
14 Above (The Jumper needs to be fit & healthy)
Weight Limit
45 - 120 Kgs (per person weight limit) 205kgs (max combined weight)
Safety Standards
We are following the bungy code of practice in New Zealand & Australia AS/NZS 5848 : 2000.
Crew trained under british expert
Medical Conditions
Due to it’s extreme nature, this sport is not suitable for people with the following medical conditions:
Heart condition
Recent fracture
Neurological disorders
Recent surgery
Consumption of alcohol
Fragile skin
Bone disorder / osteoporosis

1 Chance.

Shuttle service from reception to bungy platform

Achievement Certificate